Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sophie is feeling better!

Easter Sunday, Kenny, Dad and I went to have dinner with Mom. The nursing home does it up right in the activity room with flowers, table clothes, colored eggs and a full meal. Unfortunately, mom was under the weather. She had a runny nose and just wanted to sleep. Dad is always concerned bout her eating and really pushed more food then she wanted. She eats because he is feeding her. 

We stayed a few hours with dad and mom both napping.  On Monday, I got to the nursing home by 8:15. Mom was still sleeping. I stayed awhile but it was obvious she was sick and needed to rest.  I called to check on mom the last three days and then went for a care conference today. Dad and Bonnie were there too. It turned out to be a good day. Mom was up feeling better. She ate soup and yogurt, walked the halls and was a little spunky. It was good to see her feeling better.

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